Saturday, April 28, 2007


This is just a short rant. I absolutly hate it when people, my friends to be persice, act boyfriend and girlfriendy around me. sooooooo jealous its not even funny.

Monday, April 2, 2007

Worst week ever

This week has been terrible! First, on my birthday, I expected a lot of posters and balloons and stuff on my locker. I was so upset that after all I have done for my friends on their birthdays, on mine, I get posters from Jess and Mrs. Carpenter. Oh and we cant forget Sara! That’s all. At the end of the day they put some up and said it was “just to freak me out” when it did a whole lot more than that. I felt like crying and it takes a lot for me to cry. Then, on Saturday, I spent the whole day with my family. I just don’t feel like they like me as much as my other cousins because I don’t exactly fit in with my family. They all love baseball and softball. Everybody plays it except for me though. I went the swim team route. I’m also not exactly the type of person they wanted in their family image wise. They are all really thin and I’m not. I just have never really felt welcome into the Regan family. Anyway, on Sunday, I had my birthday party and, not to sound like a brat or anything, but I kind of thought that the party was going to be about me. Yeah I got presents, but the entire time everyone was focused on Sam and Michelle. The truth is, girls and guys are just as shallow when it comes to their friends as they are with their dates. Even though everyone says I have a great personality, next to Sam and Michelle, I might as well be dirt. The whole day went like that, me being totally ignored and them, loving every minute of their attention. It just was really terrible. They do this to me all the time so I don’t even know if it’s worth it to be friends with them anymore. I don’t find them funny, I find them rude and slightly stupid. Well, that’s how my weekend was, absolutely perfect.
-peace and popularity to you all