Tuesday, January 23, 2007

sam h

Next up is one of my friends: Sam H. she is really nice and has lived up the street from me for as long as I can remember. Lately though, she has really gotten on my nerves! She is better friends with everybody else other than me. She is disloyal to the swim team we were both on, meaning she hasn’t come to a practice in weeks and has never been to a meet. This one girl M is also her friend but Sam just cares about what she thinks and once M died her hair, now Sam is going to die hers. It just seems ridiculous and annoying. Its like, I’ve grown up and she hasn’t. She acts like a two year old. Oh did I mention that every time M is mad, Sam is there to help and to cry and apologized but when im sad, its “my fault” or “I couldn’t help it” no apologizes, no nothing! Were is my sympathy? Some friend, some friend. I wish I could write more but I cant even find the words for her. She annoys me so much you have no idea.
Peace and popularity to you all

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